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Enhance Sharing Efficiency with SVG Chart Export
Enhance Sharing Efficiency with SVG Chart Export
April 22, 2024Feature Highlight
The Scalable Vector Graphics format provides a flexible way to share charts that scale without quality loss and offer significantly smaller file sizes.
Add Metadata Management to Your Node.js App
Add Metadata Management to Your Node.js App
April 22, 2024Product Update
GroupDocs.Metadata for Node.js via Java allows developers to manage metadata within documents, images, archives, and other file types.
Optimize Your CMake Target Workflows
Optimize Your CMake Target Workflows
April 22, 2024Product Update
CLion 2024.1 simplifies the editing of CMake scripts with target name completion, navigation to target definitions, and find usages for targets.
Boost Coding Efficiency with Split Editor Views
Boost Coding Efficiency with Split Editor Views
April 22, 2024Product Update
RAD Studio 12.1 Athens lets you edit different parts of the same file simultaneously allowing for faster code navigation and modification.
Simplify Data Analysis with Python Reporting
Simplify Data Analysis with Python Reporting
April 22, 2024Product Update
Stimulsoft Reports.PYTHON empowers users to create, view, export, and print reports using robust client-server technology.
Refine Control Over Your Table of Contents
Refine Control Over Your Table of Contents
April 22, 2024Product Update
Syncfusion Essential Studio Windows Forms 2024 Volume 1 lets you incorporate captions from figures and tables into a Word document's TOC.