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Build Modern, High-Performance Win64 Applications
Build Modern, High-Performance Win64 Applications
April 17, 2024Product Update
C++Builder 12.1 Athens adds new modernized C++ compiler and toolchain built on Clang, enhancing performance for large applications.
Let Grid Users Input Non-Latin Characters
Let Grid Users Input Non-Latin Characters
April 17, 2024Feature Highlight
Grid controls with Input Method Editor (IME) support allow users to generate characters that are not natively available on their input devices.
Visualize Geographic Data in Blazor Apps
Visualize Geographic Data in Blazor Apps
April 17, 2024Feature Highlight
Harness the power of clear location-based information with interactive map components to inform and empower your users.
Enhance Your Java and PHP Testing with AI
Enhance Your Java and PHP Testing with AI
April 17, 2024Product Update
JetBrains AI Assistant 2024.1 streamlines your workflow by automatically generating new test files and establishing the appropriate structure.
Create and Edit Diagrams from a Web Browser
Create and Edit Diagrams from a Web Browser
April 17, 2024Product Update
MyDraw v6.0 adds a comprehensive web-based version, featuring a full suite of advanced diagramming tools accessible on any device.
Add Document Comparison to Your Node.js Apps
Add Document Comparison to Your Node.js Apps
April 17, 2024Product Update
GroupDocs.Comparison for Node.js via Java lets you compare documents in a wide range of formats including Microsoft Office files and PDFs.